RTLS systems: why are they leverage of cross and up-selling techniques in logistics

Companies today find themselves navigating difficult scenarios. Increasingly competitive markets, characterized by a variable demand and high production costs, require efficient and flexible processes. At the same time, in areas characterized by increased automation, the safety of people and company assets has never been more important.
Thanks to IoT (Internet of Things) and RTLS (Real-Time Locating Systems) for real-time localization, companies can use data to meet these needs. From telemetry data of material handling equipment to the localization of company assets, to a safer management of warehouse areas, RTLS provide indispensable information for various areas and sectors, such as transportation, logistics and production.
Logistics and the growing need for safety
The theme of safety in the workplace is extremely topical in all industrial sectors. Unfortunately, the number of accidents, even fatal, that occur every year is still very high.
Accidents and injuries at work, besides being dramatic events for the company, also represent very high costs. The accident of a worker, the involvement of a vehicle or verification times by authorities result, in fact, in delays or sudden stops to operations.
RTLS systems help companies improve safety of goods in production and storage areas through devices and software platforms for localization and tracking of workers and material handling equipment. Depending on the need for accuracy and area of application, these systems can be based on different technologies: from Ultra wide band (UWB) to BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), GPS o GNSS.
RTLS as up-selling leverage in logistics
The innovative potential of these systems compared to other tracking solutions makes them an excellent up-selling leverage in logistics. UWB technology represents an evolution in comparison to systems based on RFID HF or UHF (ultra-high frequency) and allows much more accurate measurements.
In RTLS systems based on the UWB, in fact, the detection accuracy is about ± 20 cm. The high accuracy and the ability to detect and transmit data automatically and in real time allows to prevent accidents involving vehicles and workers.
BLE technology as well represents an evolution of these systems. It allows, in fact, to reduce consumption of interconnected devices, thanks to the small amounts of data exchanged and the reduced transmission time. In this way, the battery life of the devices is extended and the costs of the RTLS system are reduced.
RTLS as a cross-selling leverage in logistics
RTLS systems also represent a cross-selling leverage in logistics. The interconnection of assets with a localization software platform, as well as the one with factory systems, allows to collect a large amount of on-site data, whose analysis and historicization enables an overall visibility on assets otherwise impossible. The integration between devices and a software enables numerous features and applications that help businesses increase safety in the workplace.
The analysis of collected big data allows, additionally, to obtain a timely reporting activity able to highlight critical issues and possible room for improvement in terms of efficiency and safety.
In addition, the most innovative RTLS systems are often integrated with MES, WES and ERP solutions to get real-time updates on strategic processes meant for the company’s activity, from the management of goods to the progress activities within the warehouse, to the management of transport and shipments to customers.
Ensuring safety through RTLS systems: a valid argument
Thanks to RTLS systems using UWB technology for example, it’s possible to create an infrastructure that allows to manage indoor and outdoor areas with high safety. An architecture that uses UWB anchors positioned in the areas to be managed, tags supplied to staff and a localization software.
An interesting application comes from direct localization of workers that allows, for example, to restrict or monitor access to certain areas, without the need to implement physical barriers, and ensure the correct evacuation operations in case of danger. Depending on needs, tracking may include data and information about the person or be used in an anonymous way to verify the presence in the area of interest (the privacy of individuals is fully protected).
In the same way, the company can limit the use of particular material handling equipment only to qualified workers (control of access to vehicles and verification of necessary permits). In addition, through specific tags and the localization software, it’s possible to check compliance with safety conditions, such as the use of PPE (personal protective equipment).
Localization, safety and privacy: how to overcome this challenge thanks to RTLS systems
Another interesting application is aimed at lone / night workers, who find themselves operating in isolated scenarios, or to those companies that have very large facilities. In these circumstances, locating employees, external suppliers and potential visitors in case of danger can be a challenge. Above all because the need for greater visibility is added to the need to ensure compliance with the privacy of workers.
Individual devices based on RTLS technologies allow to successfully approach this situation: they allow to track people throughout the site, while keeping data anonymous. For example, they offer the possibility of detecting the absence of movement of a worker, which could indicate an illness or that he has been involved in an accident.
The tracking of personnel, in these cases, allows to prepare a faster and more efficient response in emergency situations.
Real-time information for better decisions
It’s essential that companies adopt a high standard of fast response procedures to create a safer environment for employees. In an emergency, immediate action can increase the chances of a successful outcome. RTLS systems allow to optimize the decision-making process also through specific systems, such as notifications and staff identification.
Dynamic count in case of emergency
In case of an emergency, individual tags can be used to monitor the presence of people at collection points. This allows to understand who is located in safe areas and who is not, deciding on a line of action and possible rescue more promptly.
Protection of vehicles and workers with collision avoidance systems
Among the applications that can be implemented with RTLS systems, there are also collision avoidance systems. These, using devices mounted on vehicles, such as forklifts, and tags supplied to the personnel, detect with extreme precision the distance between two vehicles or between the worker and a vehicle. The company can, also, set automatic actions – such as alarm signals or the slowing down of the vehicle itself – in case the distance is reduced excessively.
Integration with localization platforms allows to create reports to evaluate accidents that occurred and those nearly occurred, the so-called near-miss events. This information is essential to identify critical areas in the workplace and evaluate strategies to improve safety: activities that, thanks to the use of the software, the company can activate in real time and without the need to implement physical barriers.